This portal is provided for the use of the
Pacific Northwest Conference of the United Church of Christ
N-Sid-Sen Camp & Retreat Center
Pilgrim Firs Camp & Retreat Center

Your act of uploading images on this portal grants the Pacific Northwest Conference UCC, N-Sid-Sen Camp & Retreat Center and Pilgrim Firs Camp & Retreat Center and their agents permission to use the image(s) uploaded herein, for sharing publicly via print or digital publication in the promotion of their program and mission. This permission is granted in perpetuity and includes the right to edit, modify, and reproduce the images for such use. All usage must adhere to applicable copyright laws and must not be used in a manner that is defamatory or otherwise damaging to the subject(s) depicted. This permission is revocable at any time upon written notice.


  • Pictures should be JPG or PNG format.
  • Minimum dimension of 1,000 pixels in each direction.
  • Max file size 5 MB.
  • Max number of files per upload 5.
  • Please name your files to help identify them.

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